
Eight Channel 56GBaud (112Gbps) PAM-4 Linear Equalizer

The MAEQ-39908 is a eight-channel, 56GBaud (112Gbps) PAM4 linear Equalizer able to compensate up to 16dB of loss at 26.56GHz. The equalizer can extend the trace or copper cable length supported by providing a signal boost on each channel up to 16dB at Nyquist frequency of 26.56GHz.

Product Specifications

Part Number
Eight Channel 56GBaud (112Gbps) PAM-4 Linear Equalizer
Max Data Rate (Gbps)


  • Eight channel 53.125 GBaud PAM4, fully linear equalizer
  • Input equalization able to compensate up to 16dB of loss at 26.56GHz
  • Per channel, programmable EQ range of 7dB to 16 dB at Nyquist frequency of 26.56 GHz.
  • 28GBaud compatible
  • 2-wire digital management interface.
  • Programmable via I2C and optionally settings can be stored in OTP
  • Single 3.3V power supply offering low power of 150mW per channel
  • Supports 64b/66b, 128b/130b and 256b/257b encoded data
  • Supported case temperature range -40C to +95C

Technical Resources

Data Sheet

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Eight Channel 56GBaud (112Gbps) PAM-4 Linear Equalizer